Wednesday, October 12, 2011


CO-CUBES is the one that links colleges with the company's. we need to regster in it so that we can attend the recrtments(pool drives) of the companys that are under that(co cubes), but there wil be elglty criteria and every thing as usual for al the compny's individualy. co-cubes wil only help us in getng the company's.
for that all of the final year students must pay the amount(whch wil be told later) and get ourselves registerd.
for the details and the list of companys visit the

decide whether to regster or not. there are chances for making that a compulsion to pay the fee and get regstred. we can say that it wil be helpful for majority of the students as there is a decent list of compny's under it(co-cubes). so, be prepared for it.

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